Personal Info

Age: 28
Nationality: Jordanian
Current residence: Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Education: Interior Design Diploma (2016)

Mohammad Al-Hallaj, aka "Hallaj" is a Jordanian/Palestinian Film maker who, in the past 3 years of his life has majored in audio-visual creation, with a vast practical and theoretical knowledge in all aspects of creative film making from pre-production through execution to post-production.

Growing up, Hallaj has evolved a noticeable genuine passion for photography, collages & editing. Years later on September-2019 and at the end of his travels 
in Nepal, Cyprus, Egypt and Turkey, he finally made his hobby the profession.

 He first established himself as a freelance audio-visual creator in Istanbul, using only small cameras, experimenting with what skills he had on editing software, using his artistic skills as an interior design graduate and benefiting from his past skills in music production. Focusing mainly on musical and artistic videos, he took his first steps in challenging environments and cooperated with international artists in multicultural projects.

 A year later he Directed a business 'Dozan' in Al-Mafraq, a city in the North-east of Jordan, where he started shooting and editing videos for small businesses, building up his skills in commercial markets and business development strategies and communication. leading his entrepreneurship to the Jordanian capital 'Amman', evolving his skills in a wider variety of cameras where he started directing and shooting music videos for deferent types and genres, as he directed the creative department in the firm, from pre-production, set-ups and managing the crew all the way to the final touch in post-production in EVERY project, he developed panoramic knowledge in the creative industry.

In the meanwhile, Hallaj have done many freelance works with different multimedia & film production companies, giving him the opportunity to experience working in multiple types of projects and hold different roles as well as working with all kinds of equipment and materials, observing diverse methods and strategies in work, expanding his vision for more possibilities.

*All Photographs on this Page are originals by Hallajfilms®